Case Application with Play Therapy


The CAPT Play Therapy Certificate Program has provided participants with a broad array of play therapy models, theories and strategies to deal with a wide variety of mental health issues and disorders in the clinical world. This presentation will integrate the course material learned in the first five (5) weeks of the Foundation Play Therapy training and will apply these learnings to a case study. The instructor will discuss the case from referral to termination, including which model of play therapy intervention to select and which strategies to use in the various stages of treatment: Assessment, Treatment Planning, Intervention and Termination. Participants will explore how alternative clinical decisions might impact the case.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the different stages of treatment as they relate to the case, and the key factors for each stage
  2. Develop options for the case at each stage of treatment based on a theoretical framework
  3. Develop and test hypothesis which will lead to more accurate goal setting and interventions
  4. Determine when clinical direction/decisions need to be re-considered and reformulated for the case
  5. Discuss how different play therapy theoretical models and tools can be applied to the same case within the models of play therapy
  6. Appreciate that there are different paths which can be used to meet the same goals 7) Identify challenges of this case and develop strategies to deal with these challenges

Case Application with Play Therapy


The CAPT Play Therapy Certificate Program has provided participants with a broad array of play therapy models, theories and strategies to deal with a wide variety of mental health issues and disorders in the clinical world. This presentation will integrate the course material learned in the first five (5) weeks of the Foundation Play Therapy training and will apply these learnings to a case study. The instructor will discuss the case from referral to termination, including which model of play therapy intervention to select and which strategies to use in the various stages of treatment: Assessment, Treatment Planning, Intervention and Termination. Participants will explore how alternative clinical decisions might impact the case.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the different stages of treatment as they relate to the case, and the key factors for each stage
  2. Develop options for the case at each stage of treatment based on a theoretical framework
  3. Develop and test hypothesis which will lead to more accurate goal setting and interventions
  4. Determine when clinical direction/decisions need to be re-considered and reformulated for the case
  5. Discuss how different play therapy theoretical models and tools can be applied to the same case within the models of play therapy
  6. Appreciate that there are different paths which can be used to meet the same goals 7) Identify challenges of this case and develop strategies to deal with these challenges