Ethical Practice In a Play Therapy Setting
Overview: This will be an introduction into ethics and a review of ethical decision- making models in a Play Therapy setting. The CACPT Code of Ethics will be a pivotal component to this workshop, observing the child-therapist relationships, play therapy case reporting, ethical considerations such as confidentiality, dual relationships in play therapy.
Standards of practice both from an ethical point of view as well as professionally will be addressed. Ethics will be looked at in the context of who we are as play therapists, where we work and how these can influence and affect our decision-making processes. Key ethical conflicts will be explored and discussed in a play therapy setting. The Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy code of ethics and the application of it to the professional practice as a Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapist will be reviewed.
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will understand the importance of engaging in ethical practice;
- Students will be able to apply the CAPT Code of Ethics to their professional practice of play therapy;
- Students will be able to define confidentiality in a play therapy setting and understand the limits of confidentiality when working with vulnerable populations in their professional practice;
- Students will be aware of the mediating factors to consider when utilizing touch in play therapy;
- Students will be able to apply an ethical decision-making model to a play therapy ethical dilemma.

Ethical Practice In a Play Therapy Setting
Overview: This will be an introduction into ethics and a review of ethical decision- making models in a Play Therapy setting. The CACPT Code of Ethics will be a pivotal component to this workshop, observing the child-therapist relationships, play therapy case reporting, ethical considerations such as confidentiality, dual relationships in play therapy.
Standards of practice both from an ethical point of view as well as professionally will be addressed. Ethics will be looked at in the context of who we are as play therapists, where we work and how these can influence and affect our decision-making processes. Key ethical conflicts will be explored and discussed in a play therapy setting. The Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy code of ethics and the application of it to the professional practice as a Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapist will be reviewed.
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will understand the importance of engaging in ethical practice;
- Students will be able to apply the CAPT Code of Ethics to their professional practice of play therapy;
- Students will be able to define confidentiality in a play therapy setting and understand the limits of confidentiality when working with vulnerable populations in their professional practice;
- Students will be aware of the mediating factors to consider when utilizing touch in play therapy;
- Students will be able to apply an ethical decision-making model to a play therapy ethical dilemma.